I did get to see some of a cool castle:
And a really big gun in a museum:
Going to Denmark is always cool because it's just so close. It takes about thirty minutes to travel from where I live to the closet town in Denmark. A different country that is right next store, so cool. However, I do like Sweden more than Denmark. I don't think there's any particular reason, it just seems that Sweden is a bit more clean, and brighter in general. Just is.
Afterwards, had the week off of school. which actually wasn't as fun as school. There wasn't really a lot for me to do due to the fact that I don't really know a lot of people very well. I'm also more prone to be lazy than active. School over here is fun because it gets me out of the house and I get to hang out friends, (I don't really do a lot of work at school, it's really nice.) especially this one!
This is Anna min bäste vän over here, hon har lärt mig mycket svenska och har varit jätte trevligt. She brought me along with her family to the Universeum, a really cool science expo/bio-dome/really cool stuff place. It's a little hard to explain so here's some pictures.
The part that I didn't get any pictures of is the other half of it which has a lot of small science exhibits. Such as a small part explaining lasers, there was also a section of games/demonstrations(?) that provoked certain parts of the brain. It was fun!
(Her family)
Later that week I was able to go horse back riding with a friend who lives right across the street. She takes care of a horse at a stable and she usually goes riding twice a week so she asked if I wanted to tag a long. I hadn't been on a horse in about ten or so years, so it was defiantly new to me. It was really fun, I've kind of have been wanting to learn how to ride a horse well, so it was nice to go and try. Didn't really do that well, really had no idea what I was doing. But I only fell of twice! So maybe next time I'll do better, third time's the charm, right?
Then this last weekend had a Rotary thingy. It was a type of going away party for the students who are leaving in January. We were at a glass art hotel. It was awesome. The hotel was amazing, every room was designed by a famous designer. There was glass art every where throughout. And the best part was that there was basically a spa there. Hot tubs, cooled pools, saunas. Really awesome, it was great for my back after the incident with the horse. We also had a tour of the glass blowing factory where everything is hand made. That was cool. There was an old guy who is famous for making glass trumpets. He is the only one in Sweden that makes them, and he is really old so he actually retired. We were all able to see him make his last trumpet ever. So that was just a cool little thing there. Also, we were given a glass cup as a souvenir that we had to cut out. Cool as well.
Then earlier this week I was able to go to an old castle and go fossil hunting with an archaeologist my host father knows. Theres a lime stone query not too far away from me that has a lot of old fossils lying about. The majority of them are from prehistoric sea urchins and clams. It was pretty cool to find lots and lots of fossils juts lying around. The archaeologist lady also gave me a fossil from a prehistoric squid. The fossil is about 6" long, pretty cool.
The castle was really neat too, really nice scenery around it. The main thing that will be really cool with it is that every year there is a medieval market that happens there, so I'm looking forward to going to that during the summer.
Well, thats about all the exciting things that I have been up too. One thing that I'm still waiting for is that Anna said she wants to take me shopping so that she can dress me like a Swede and everything, that should be fun if we get around to it.
Hej Då!
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