Hmm. I'll start with the sailing so far. The last two times has been fairly interesting. Two times ago, the wind was kind of impradictable, fluttering on and off. So while leaving the dock I didn't have enough wind to control the boat with and inadvertently ran into the propeller on the boat next to me. Totally wasn't my fault... I was not properly steered off the dock, yeah. That's how the story goes. My crew-mate and I just kind of kept going and didn't say anything. After that, we were going down the channel to get to the open sea, started to make a tact, then the wind died... Got pushed in to some of the rocks on the side. After pushing away from them, checking to see if anyone saw, I then promptly gave to rudder to Maja for her to steer. I didn't want to run in to anything else. The rest of the day went smoothly though, and no damage was done to the boat.
The next time, (yesterday) started off well, once again the wind was finicky. We spent most of the time practicing starting procedures for races. Did pretty well most of the time. We then had two races, the first race was bad, got about half way through by the time the other boat finished, so we just restarted. The second race was to be out to a buoy then back to the dock. We were also supposed to try and used the spinnaker, a large sail that you put on the front of the boat for use going with the wind. Maja was steering and I was going to try and put it up, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, by the time I got about half way through it was time to take it back down. While I did that the front of it dipped in to the water and caught a lot of water and acted as a break. Also, while reeling it in I heard a ripping sound. On the way to the dock Maja was joking about how she doesn't want to sail with me because I tend to break stuff it the boat.
One cool thing that happened was the discover that I'm on youtube! See if you can find me! I'll give you a hint though. I'm on the left side of the person that is standing on the rail with the megaphone.
This is part of the Malmö game that I went to with my host brothers. Really fun game, and loud, as you can hear.
I went to the Airforce museum here, that was cool. They had come really cool planes there and a flight simulator.
Got a cool shirt and some buttons as a souvenir.
Beside that nothing much else exciting has happened. I'm going camping this weekend, so that should be fun. I'm also expecting posts to not be quite as frequent due to laziness and the overall excitement of being here dying down a little bit. I'll still try and do it once every 10 days or so, I think that's a good number.
Hej Då!
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